Reproduction of a 1864 map of Marlborough and Canterbury, New Zealand by Edward Stanford
Reproduction of a 1864 map of Marlborough and Canterbury, New Zealand by Edward Stanford
Reproduction of a 1864 map of Marlborough and Canterbury, New Zealand by Edward Stanford
Reproduction of a 1864 map of Marlborough and Canterbury, New Zealand by Edward Stanford

Reproduction of a 1864 map of Marlborough and Canterbury, New Zealand by Edward Stanford

Antique Print Gallery


Edward Stanford(1827-1904) was a prominent London map publisher who took over all the plates and stock of the S.D.U.K.(Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge)in the 1850's and became a prolific publisher of New Zealand maps. The map is extremely detailed with settlements coloured in red and green. Relief is indicated by detailed hatching. The map is a reproduction of a folding emigration map. These maps were published in Britain to encourage emigration to New Zealand.

Cartographer Edward Stanford
Date 1864
Dimensions (mm) 575 x 385
Place London
Publisher Edward Stanford, 6,Charing Cross S.W.