1772 Chart of New Zealand [Reproduction]
1772 Chart of New Zealand [Reproduction]
1772 Chart of New Zealand [Reproduction]
1772 Chart of New Zealand [Reproduction]

1772 Chart of New Zealand [Reproduction]

Antique Print Gallery


The iconic map of New Zealand, the first showing all the islands. Engraved by J. Bayley. This reproduction is on quality art paper and is also available with modern hand-colouring. Lieut. Cook's chart (from his 1st voyage) was the first to show the whole of New Zealand. Cook made two errors - he plotted Banks Peninsula as an island and he was unsure whether Stewart Island was a peninsula or an island. His overall accuracy was remarkable.

Cartographer James Cook
Date 1772
Dimensions (mm) 384 x 490
Engraver John Bayley
Place London